New Treasures! {Vintage Silver Pitcher and Aqua Mason Jar}

by Terrica Joy in

Despite there being far fewer vendors than normal due to the holiday, our recent excursion to the flea market turned up a couple of darling little treasures:

Hello, love.  You are gorgeous in every way.  Perfect coloring.  Pristine condition for your age.  You downright flirted your way into my heart.  I had to have you.  And so I do.  

We couldn't be happier together.

I honestly don't know if I've ever come across a vintage mason jar in such excellent condition--not to mention it's my favorite, favorite shade of aqua.  I love it.  I'm not certain what I'll do with it yet besides staring longingly across the room... but I'm thinking a sunny, cottage kitchen windowsill filled with a constant rotation of fresh cut flowers may very well be its destiny.  I like the idea of water and aqua-colored glass catching the morning sunlight and dancing it across the counter tops...  It kind of reminds me of a Tiffany jewelry box except, well, quite honestly I'd rather have this cheap flea market jar over all their expensive pretties any day! Who knew an old jar could make a girl so happy?  Please take a moment to remind my husband just how lucky he is.  ;-)

(random fact: Speaking of expensive, did you know that vintage mason jars have been known to sell for upwards of $10,000?! Yeah.  We snagged this beauty for $7.  And had it not been for the condition I would have considered that even a bit high.  We were at a flea market, after all.) 

Then just around the corner, at the back of a several tables of dusty old dishes, knick knacks and plain ole junk, I spotted this guy:

If you read this post last summer, you may be experiencing deja vu.  Remember when I stumbled upon a very similar version of this vintage silver pitcher at an estate sale?  Well of course when I laid eyes on this guy I knew he was meant for her, my first love.  

I took him home and immediately introduced them.  He seemed a bit shy at first, probably because she's taller than him.  Can't blame him for being a little intimidated though, she's a beauty.  Just look at those legs!

*sigh*  I think they look stunning together.  A perfect couple.

(Btw-Josh negotiated his $10 price tag down to $5 with ease.  I never cease to be amazed by my husband's mad negotiation skills.  He's like a snake charmer.  Half the time people just give him stuff.  I'm so not kidding.  It's fascinating, almost like he mesmerizes people with his smile or something.  Whatever his secret, I'm not complaining.  He's the perfect companion for, well, everything in my book!  But particularly flea market, garage sale, and thrift store shopping where bargaining is both welcome and expected.  Where as I'm a little hesitant, he's downright fearless!  It never fails to pay off.  And Craigslist sellers, watch out!  He'll nearly rob you blind.) 

And wait just a second.  Hmm.  Did I just become a collector of vintage silver pitchers??  I think I might have.  Crap.  I don't aspire to be a collector of anything.  Except maybe books.  And vintage suitcases.  And wicker baskets.  And I'd like a few antique chandeliers.  Ah, crap!  I'm a collector, aren't I!?  Ugh.  I so don't want to be.  Unfortunately, I think it's in my blood.  There's just no way around it.

So anyway, there ya have it!  Another successful treasure-hunting excursion.  Tomorrow we're off for an early stroll thru a gorgeous little farmer's market, followed by another hunt at a different flea market.  I told you I have a flea market on the books for every single weekend between now and end of November.  I wasn't kidding.

I'll keep ya posted if I find anything worth reporting ;-)

Have you found any fun treasures lately???